Tuesday, May 26, 2015


My name is Justin Smith and I am a Mechanical Engineering student at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo. I have worked at various companies including Celera Motion and Hewlett Packard Enterprise where I worked as a Manufacturing Engineering Intern and a Mechanical Engineering Intern respectively. In high school I took Project Lead the Way engineering courses that forged my path to Cal Poly. In college I have made it my goal to get involved in engineering activities that will help with my proficiency in the work place. For example I am involved in the clubs Formula SAE and QL+ where I have spent countless hours in the design room and in the machine shop. I am also involved in many other activities such as soccer, Boy Scouts of America, and the non-profit organization Classical Masters Music Festival. I earned my Eagle Scout Rank in 2014 and was on the unicycle brigade in my Boy Scout troop. I enjoy camping, hiking, playing guitar, and spending time with friends and family. I live in Northern California and have loving parents and two brothers.

                          Connect with me on Linkedin here                                    Check out my resume here